About Us
Breaking .500 is a platform built on the idea of creating generational wealth. We believe it all starts with kicking off the conversation and being okay with not having all the answers. We believe this is important for black and brown men to raise their hands, ask questions, be curious and think about what wealth looks like for them, their families and community.

resident hosts

Maurio Orantes Profile Shot

Mauricio Orantes

I’m a first generation US citizen, child of immigrant parents, born and raised in San Francisco California. I made my way to Brooklyn 8 years ago, triggered by personal circumstances/pursuits and never looked back.

Speaking in the 3rd person, his interests are but not limited too: Digital Transformation, Tech Solutions, Creative Direction, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Digital Marketing. He is Boot Strap Entrepreneur, Mixed Media Artist. Code & Tech Tinkerer. Film Photographer. Amateur Pasta Chef.

Mike David Profile Shot

Michael David

I was born in Brooklyn, raised in Long Island and have roots from Haiti. Born of immigrant parents, my family’s motto was go to school, get a “good” job, and save money in your bank account. But I realized in my 30’s, through my interest in financial independence (FI), there’s more to it than that. And even if I do not reach my FI goal, I want to break stagnant cycle that was set a generation before me and establish wealth for generations to come.

With experience as a project manager in the digital / tech industry for 10+ years, planning for the future gets me excited. Having a clear line of sight to my goals, especially financials, allows me to sleep well at night.

 How We Got Here

We met a few years ago - we enjoyed whiskeys and broke bread. We became fast friends. We realized our paths in career, growing up and navigating through uncharted territories, were very similar. We found ourselves talking openly about our career aspirations, financial goals and some day nice to haves. We found ourselves talking about what little we did know and how much more we needed to know. Plain and simple. We decided on creating a platform for black and brown men to start the conversation about financial literacy and thinking about creating generational wealth. Let’s go get it. Let’s go make it.